Combined with the lyrical air, “The Banks of Claudy,” this beautiful psalm professes faith in a God who knits us together and knows us intimately.
You Have Searched Me (Psalm 139)
Tune: The Banks of Claudy
Words: Kiran Young Wimberly © 2015
You have searched me and known me, Holy Lord
Know when I sit and rise
You’re acquainted with my ways
Where I go and where I lie
You know each word completely
before I speak it, Lord
You lay your hand upon me
hem me in behind, before
Where can I flee from your spirit
Or from your presence go?
If I rise up to the heavens
Or descend to the depths below
If I take the wings of the dawn to
the far side of the sea
Even there, your hand will hold me fast
your right hand will guide me
For you formed my inmost being
within my mother’s womb
When I dwelt within that secret place
I was not hid from you
You ordained that the days before me
be filled with love and grace
Made me beautiful and wonderful
for this I give you praise
How precious is your every thought
how vast the sum of them
Though I try to count them
they are more than every grain of sand
O that you would pull down the ones who
do harm and seek to gain
My heart is heavy and I long
for goodness and love to reign
Search me, O God, and know my heart
know every anxious thought
And lead me on the path of
your everlasting way