The air ‘Down in Yon Banke’ is originally a wordless Scottish country dance song, and in this rendition becomes a prayer for God’s eternal presence.
The Lord is My Light (Psalm 27)
Tune: Down in Yon Banke
Words: Kiran Young Wimberly © 2013
The Lord is my light and my salvation
Whom shall I fear, whom shall I fear?
Enemies will stumble and fall,
My heart will not fear, though war should rage
One thing I ask, one thing I seek
To dwell in the house of the Lord all of my life
To behold the beauty of God all the days of my life
The Lord is my light and my salvation
Whom shall I fear, whom shall I fear?
Enemies will stumble and fall
My heart will not fear, though war should rage
Hear me when I call, O Lord
Be merciful to me and answer me
Your face, O Lord, I seek
I seek your face
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